Financial Strategy
April 28, 2022

How to Thrive in Tough Economic Situations


Remember when Russia first hinted that they were planning to attack Ukraine? All of us were so relieved that we were so far removed from the situation and believed there is no way Kenya would be affected by it. Little did we know that these countries actually had the power to affect all our lives from miles away: the power of oil and gas.

Whether you are a Gen Z or a boomer, from Nairobi or Nyeri, a business person, or an employee, the current economic climate has definitely taken a toll on your finances. The rising prices of fuel have consequently led to a price hike in virtually everything due to the increased cost of production and transportation.

The situation may seem grim, and all may seem lost, but there is still a lot you can do to salvage the situation. And we come bearing tips!

Tune into our webinar below for great insights on how to make key life changes to thrive in this economic situation:

Here are some of our top takeaways from the discussion:

  1. Start with reevaluating your current situations- redefine what is a priority for you and make financial decisions accordingly
  2. Think about your financial decisions- are you living in the now or planning for the future?
  3. This is not a good time to take on more debt. 
  4. The situation around you is changing, and so should you. Upskill yourself, look for other sources of income and put your money in places where it will grow. Koa is a great option!
  5. Adapt, adapt, adapt. Embrace the situation and constantly reinvent yourself.

Be sure to watch the full webinar for more insights and be on the lookout for future webinars from us!